Posts Tagged ‘Warhammer’

Skaven Warlord

I have finished my Skaven Warlord from the Island of Blood boxed set. This is such a great character model and was a real joy to paint up. I’ve always loved Skaven (they were my first fantasy army) but don’t fancy having to paint up the hundreds of models required for a Skaven horde. However, it was nice to work on a single character model.

The model is painted in the classic red Skaven armour. This started with a basecoat of Mephiston Red washed with Baal Red. The armour was then shaded with Leviathan Purple followed by Asurmen Blue for the deepest recesses. Blue works really well as a shading colour for red as it is a cool colour and so contrasts nicely with the warmth of the red. After shading the red was highlighted with several thin, almost transparent, layers of Blood Red to build up the colour followed by Blazing Orange and finally the aptly Vermin Brown for the edge highlights. A final glaze of Bloodletter enriched the colour and tied all of the highlight layers together.

The dirt on the robes was painted using Mig weathering powders (Dark Mud and Dry Mud) mixed with Lahmian Medium and built up in thin layers.

Skaven Warlord

Just a quick up date to show off the Skaven warlord model I am currently working on. The model is taken from the Island of Blood set. I’ve opted for a classic Skaven colour scheme of red armour and black fur. More details on the painting process once he’s finished.

All the best,


Forever autumn

Posted: Jul 2, 2012 in Warhammer
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The blog has been focusing a lot on 6mm models recently so I thought for a change I’d showcase this WFB Wood Elf Lord. For this model I decided to use an autumnal palette of rich browns and orange. As the model is not for gaming I mounted it on a 40mm base which was built up with Milliput (you can see my guide here). With the base I tried to follow the flow of the model which sweeps down from left to right in order not to ruin the composition of the model. One of the things I really like about this model is the fact that it is quite stylised and painterly and the sculptor has clearly put a lot of thought into the pose and composition of the model, from the direction of the cloak and hair through to the position of the bow and quiver and even down to the angle of the branch that he is standing on. This is then all neatly bisected by the angle of the sword which cuts across the model.