Archive for Jun, 2012


Despite the lack of updates this month I have not been totally idle. I have finished painting up the first of my Kult of Speed formations for my orks. These are really nice detailed models from the Epic 40k era and were a joy to paint. First of all the models were painted with Boltgun Metal followed by Washes of Badab Black and Devlan Mud. Over this I applied Mephiston Red to the armour plates and highlighted them using Blood Red followed by Sqig Orange. I then embellished the buggies with a bit of freehand in order to add some more visual interest to the models. This mainly took the form of dags, checks and yellow flame patterns.

Some close-ups:




Blitz Brigade

It hasn’t just been the Evil Sunz that have been receiving attention this month. I also painted some Gun Wagonz for my Bad Moonz. So far I only have four finished but I plan on adding more along with some Oddboy characters and some flakwagonz.




Social Networking

In other news, I am experimenting with social networking and Miniature Miscellany is now on Twitter. Hopefully this will allow me to keep you updated on what I’m doing when it doesn’t warrant a full blog post. You can follow me or contact me, should you so wish, @Mini_Miscellany on Twitter. The Twitter feed will also be visible on the Miniature Miscellany homepage.

All the best,


Here are some flak gunz for my Bad Moonz. I wanted to include some AA fire but I didn’t particularly like the idea of including vehicles in an all infantry formation. Fortunately Forge World sells these mounted Flak Gunz for their Aeronautica Imperialis range which fulfill the role perfectly. In a game I will simply count them as Flak Wagonz.

Next I might take a break from painting all this yellow and work on a different clan.

Have a great weekend,
